270mm Big Door&Glass Door Handles Furniture Zinc Alloy Red Copper Plating ?Kitchen Cabinet Drawer Pull Knob Handle Drawer Pulls
[Bronze Hardware Handle 1|]
$21.60 $15.1230% off
We're really sorry your parcel didn't arrive next day. As you can see from the tracking information we sent your parcel out the same day you ordered on a free next day delivery service. Royal Mail have experienced delays in the Christmas rush with a backlog of parcels. Very frustrating because you'd think they'd be prepared for it! We've just sent you a personal message with a discount code! Apologies for the delay, we hope you like them. Have a great Christmas Stuart 2 days ago Reply to previous Took order then they cancelled it Reply to previous Yep we'll like I said pommie Tyranny & bureaucracy gone mad but I will also add fitflop r bowing down 2 the Ozzie retail money grabbers that r afraid a free market will cull their profits! Well not buying fitflop until I can from shoetique will buy MBT's online can get them for a reasonable price !! Don't blame shoetique fitflop control the market there! Free enterprise what's that? Could also just send 2 friends in the UK and they could post to me here so stupid rule really!!!
Date: 06/04/2017 by J. Williams